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Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

911 was an inside job

1. Wer hat John O’Neill den Job als Sicherheitschef des World Trade Centers angeboten?

2. Wer kaufte über die Alex Brown Bank vor dem 11. September Put-Optionen auf die United Airlines? Und warum ist der Präsident der Bank kurz danach zurückgetreten?

3. Warum erfuhren Politiker, wie zum Beispiel Ariel Sharon oder der Bürgermeister von San Francisco sowie hohe Pentagon-Vertreter von Sicherheitsbedenken über ihre Reisepläne am 11. September?

4. Warum gab es um 9.30 Uhr, eine dreiviertel Stunde nach den ersten Einschlägen keine Überwachung des Luftraums über dem Weissen Haus und dem Pentagon?

5. Wer gab den Befehl, das Weisse Haus um 9.45 Uhr zu evakuieren?

6. Warum blieb George W. Bush selbst nach der Meldung vom zweiten Einschlag ruhig sitzen und hörte weiter den Schulkindern zu, statt sich sofort mit seinem Stab zu besprechen?

7. Warum wussten Bush und sein Stab zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht, was der Flugaufsichtsbehörde und der Luftverteidigungszentrale bekannt war: dass die Flugzeuge entführt worden waren?

8. Warum blieb Mohammed Attas Tasche mit Videoanleitung und Koran am Flughafen stehen, sein Führerschein im Auto. Wer fand das alles so schnell und warum?

9. Was genau tat Donald Rumsfeld den ganzen Tag über, bevor er gegen 15.30 Uhr im Pentagon eintraf?

10. Warum haben Luftlotsen behauptet, einen Air Force Jet in der Nähe des Flugs 93 gesehen zu haben?

11. Warum wurde die Pentagon-Maschine nicht von einem Jet von der Andrews Airforce Base aufgehalten und konnte über eine Stunde in aller Ruhe das Pentagon anfliegen? Die Andrews Airforce Base ist nur 13 Meilen vom Pentagon entfernt.

12. Warum haben Kampfflugzeuge der McGuire Air Force Base nicht das zweite entführte Flugzeug in New York abgeschossen? Dies wäre innerhalb von sieben Minuten nach 8.48 Uhr möglich gewesen.

13. Wie konnten die Hauptverdächtigen in nur zwei Tagen „ermittelt“ werden?

14. Woher kamen die Fotos der 19 Hijacker?

15. Was ist die Erklärung dafür, dass 5 der vermeintlichen Terroristen noch leben und frei rumlaufen?

16. Warum wurden die Daten der gefundenen Flugschreiber nicht veröffentlicht?

17. Warum gibt es keine Fotos vom Pentagon-Absturz, obwohl von der gegenüberliegenden Seite, eines Hotels welche gemacht wurden?

18. Warum hat das Pentagon keine Flugabwehr?

19. Warum hat das Pentagon auf der Einschlagseite nur eine einzige, veraltete Kamera.

20. Stimmt es, dass die Bush-Familie während mehrere Jahre mit der Bin Laden-Familie Geschäfte machte?

21. Warum hat die Bush Regierung im Januar 2001 alle Geheimdienste beauftragt, sämtliche Nachforschungen über die Bin Laden Familie aufzuheben?

22. Warum hat Aussenminister Colin Powell im Mai 2001 über 40 Millionen Dollar an das Taliban-Regime gezahlt?

23. Warum wurde für den Commission Report vorerst nur ein Budget von 1 Million Dollar gewährt, während die Clinton/Lewinsky-Affäre 40 Millionen gekostet hat?

24. Warum sagen 60 % der Mitglieder 9/11-Kommission, dass die US-Regierung und das Pentagon über die Ereignisse des 11. Septembers 2001 nicht die Wahrheit sagen?

25. Warum sagte George W. Bush nur unter der Bedingung vor der Kommission aus, zusammen mit Dick Cheney und ohne einen Eid abzulegen?

26. Warum wurden Spuren des Sprengstoffs Thermit in den Trümmern der Twin Towers gefunden?

27. Wie ist es physikalisch möglich, dass zwei Flugzeuge in zwei Türme fliegen und dann drei symmetrisch und in Fallgeschwindigkeit einstürzen?

28. Ist es nur Zufall, dass WTC-Pächter Larry Silverstein die Gebäude nur sechs Wochen vorher gegen Terrorangriffe versichert hat?

29. Wo sind die 160 Milliarden Dollar in Gold hin, die unterhalb des World Trade Centers gelagert waren?

30. War das World Trade Center Aspest verseucht und darum eigentlich unbenutzbar?

31. Warum war beim Einsturz der World Trade Center erst eine Explosion zu hören und dann der Einsturz zu sehen?

32. Waren die Explosionen beim Einsturz wirklich nur zufällig explodierende Boiler?

33. War es Zufall, dass das Szenario von der Denkfabrik „Project For a New American Century“ mit den Titel „Rebuilding Americas Defenses“, geschrieben von Dick Cheney und Jeb Bush, gerade rechtzeitig kam, um das Konzept durchzusetzen?

34. Warum wird Osama Bin Laden vom FBI auf der Most Wanted-Liste nicht wegen den Vorfällen vom 11. September 2001 gesucht?

35. Bis wann stand Osama Bin Laden auf der Gehaltsliste vom CIA? Und warum wurde er nicht geschnappt, obwohl er seit langem auf der FBI-Liste stand und sich noch im Sommer 01 in einem CIA-Krankenhaus behandeln liess?

36. Warum hat Dick Cheney drei Monate vor dem 11. September die Kontrolle der NORAD an sich gerissen und drei Monate nach dem 11. September wieder verlassen?

37. Warum wurden fünf der mutmasslichen Hijackers auf US-Militärbasen ausgebildet?

38. Warum sind die Daten der Flugschreiber bis heute geheim?

39. Wie ist es möglich, dass Passagiere des Flugs 93 aus einem Flugzeug mit dem Handy telefonieren konnten?

40. Warum passt das Loch im Pentagon nicht auf die Masse einer Boeing 757, die angeblich reingecrasht ist?

Wie wir wissen, wurden vor dem 11. September 2001 ungewöhnlich viele Put-Optionen von Unternehmen gekauft, die durch die Anschläge geschädigt wurden, wie Airlines, Banken und Versicherungen. Das gleiche fand vor der Ölkatastrophe am Golf von Mexiko statt, wo Goldman Sachs seine BP Aktien abgestossen hat und Halliburton die Firma kaufte, die für die Säuberung beauftragt wurde. Das heisst, gewisse Insider wussten im voraus, die Katastrophen werden passieren und haben entsprechen mit ihrem Wissen am Aktienmarkt gehandelt, um riesige Profite einzufahren.

Alleine diese Tatsache deutet darauf hin, mit den 9/11 Anschlägen und mit der Explosion der Deep Water Horizon Plattform stimmt etwas nicht, das ganze stinkt zum Himmel, wenn es Leute mit Vorwissen gab. Also waren es im ersten Fall keine muslimische Terroristen und im zweiten war es kein Unfall.

siehe auch:

__███\__███\_________Put This
__███\__███\_________On Your
__███\__███\____ 7___
__███\__███\___███\__Profile If
__███\__███\___███\__You Know
__███\__███\___███\__9/11 Was
__███\__███\___███\__INSIDE JOB

This is a partial list of children mostly 13 and under of the approximately 1,500 Palestinian minors killed by Israeli forces from fall 2000 through early 2011. During the same period Palestinians killed about 130 Israeli minors.

The following information is taken from Remember These Children, which works to document all Israeli and Palestinian children who have been killed, in the belief, sadly not shared by the U.S. media, that all of these children matter. In the list below, “IDF” stands for Israeli Defense Forces, an offensive, occupying force; “Incursion” refers to an invasion of Palestinian land by Israeli military forces. The full list is available

Muhammad Saleh Muhammad al-Arja, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by Israeli sniper fire to his head near the Rafah boder crossing.
Math Ahmad Muhammad abu-Hadwan, 11, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his head in Tel Rumeida.
Abdul-Rahman Khaled Hammouda Khbeish, 4, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head.
Obeisi infant girl, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint when her mother was prevented from crossing to reach the hospital.
Muhammad Ismael Hashem Nasr, 10, of Dahyet al-Bareed, near Jerusalem, killed by Israeli settlers.
Isra Ahmad, 11, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint when she was prevented from reaching a hospital.
Mahmoud Ismael al-Darwish, 11, of Dura, near Hebron, killed by IDF shelling to his chest.
Yehya Fathi Muhammad al-Sheikh Eid, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his face, neck and abdomen.
Iman Muhammad al-Haju, 4 months, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while in her mother’s arms.
Suleiman Sami al-Masri, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his back.
Khalil Ibrahim Muhammad al-Moghrabi, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend near the border with Egypt.
Diya Marwan Hilmi al-Tmeizi, 3 months, of Ithna, near Hebron, killed, with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back.
Ashraf Khalil Abdul-Minem, 8, of al-Judeidah, near Jenin, killed, with his brother, in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.
Bilal Khalil Abdul-Minem, 10, of al-Judeidah, near Jenin, killed, with his brother, in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.
Azhar Said Shalafa, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died at an IDF checkpoint when her mother was prevented from taking her to the hospital.
Muhammad Subhi abu-Arrar, 14, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF sniper fire to his chest while playing in front of his home.
Inas Samir abu-Zeid, 5, of Rafah, Gaza, killed, with her brother, by IDF shelling.
Suleiman Samir abu-Zeid, 7, of Rafah, Gaza, killed, with his sister, by IDF shelling.
Abdallah Atatrah, 3, of al-Tarm, near Jenin, died at an IDF checkpoint when the car carrying him was prevented from getting to the Yabad medical center after he fell into a swamp.
Khaled Arafat al-Batash, 2, of Hebron, killed by the IDF and Israeli settlers during a gas attack.
Riham Nabil Younis Abul-Ward, 10, of Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while in her classroom.
Abed-Rabo infant, newborn, of Bethlehem, died at an IDF checkpoint after its mother was denied access to medical care.
Akram Naim Abdul-Karim al-Astal, 6, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his brother and three cousins, by an IDF missile while on their way to school.
Anis Idris Muhammad al-Astal, 11, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his brother and three cousins, by an IDF missile while on their way to school.
Muhammad Rateb abu-Shahla, 12, of Jenin, killed by IDF shelling to his head.
Shadi Ahmad Abdul-Moti Arafeh, 13, of Hebron, killed in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.
Burhan Muhammad Ibrahim al-Himuni, 3, of Hebron, killed in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.
Muhammad Zakin, 8 hours, of Yamoun, near Jenin, died at an IDF checkpoint after his mother was denied access to medical care.
Rami Salahaldeen Muhammad Zurob, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house.
Muna Sami Ataya al-Bajasa, 13, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with her mother, by IDF tank fire to her head during an incursion.
Mahmoud Hasan Ahmad al-Talalka, 7, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen near the Nisanit settlement.
Maria Izaldeen abu-Sarieh, 9, of Jenin refugee camp, killed by IDF shelling to her head while in her home during an incursion.
Inas Ibrahim Eisa Saleh, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Feb. 19 from IDF shelling during a targeted assassination.
Muhammad Hussein abu-Kweik, 8, of Amari refugee camp, killed, with his two sisters, by IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.
Shaima Izaldeen Ibrahim al-Masri, 7, of Ramallah, killed by IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.
Said Ali Ibrahim Subeih, 12, of Ramallah, died of head wounds sustained Feb. 28 from IDF gunfire.
Muhammad Mamoun Fayez abu-Ali, 10, of Tulkarm refugee camp, died of chest wounds sustained March 7 from IDF gunfire during an incursion.
Amani Odeh Muhammad al-Awawdah, 12, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her mother, brother, sister and cousin, by an IDF land mine while riding on an animal drawn cart.
Salim Odeh Muhammad al-Awawdah, 10, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his mother, 2 sisters and cousin, by an IDF land mine while riding on an animal drawn cart.
Tariq Muhammad Salman al-Awawdah, 10, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his aunt and three cousins, by an IDF land mine while riding on an animal drawn cart.
Mujahed Arafat abu-Shabab, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling.
Shaima Said Abdul-Rahim Hamad, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained March 15 from IDF gunfire.
Iyad Imad Muhammad al-Mughrabi, 11, of Askar refugee camp, died of head wounds sustained March 17 from IDF gunfire.
Riham Hussam Mustafa abu-Taha, 4, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained March 21 from IDF shelling.
Mahmoud Muhammad Musa abu-Yasin, 13, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of abdominal wounds sustained March 12 during a funeral.
Abdullah Samir Omar al-Shubi, 10, of Nablus, killed, with his family of seven, by an IDF missile during an incursion.
Anas Samir Omar al-Shubi, 4, of Nablus, killed, with his family of seven, by an IDF missile during an incursion.
Azzam Samir Omar al-Shubi, 7, of Nablus, killed, with his family of seven, by an IDF missile during an incursion.
Salwa Khaled Dahaliz, 10, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head near the Rafah Yam settlement.
Sumaya Najeh Abdul-Hadi al-Hasan, 6, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head.
Isra Ghaleb Othman, 10, of Beitunia, near Ramallah, killed by IDF gunfire to her side.
Ahed Rasmi Ali Hamad, 5, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire during an incursion.
Qusay Farah abu-Aisha, 12, of Askar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire while playing in his yard during an incursion.
Fadel Mahmoud abu-Zuheirah, 9, of Beitunia, near Ramallah, killed by IDF tank fire to his abdomen while in his home during an incursion.
Rifat Bassam Shehada Awad, 12, of Awarta, near Nablus, killed, with his two brothers, by an IDF armored personnel carrier.
Khayri Bassam Shehada Awad, 11, of Awarta, near Nablus, killed, with his two brothers, by an IDF armored personnel carrier.
Faraj Hekmat Udwan, 4, of Awarta, near Nablus, killed by an IDF armored personnel carrier.
Othman Fadel Khaled Masharqah, 7, of Jenin, killed by IDF shelling to his head and limbs during an incursion.
Asad Faysal Ersan Qarini, 10, of Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and foot during an incursion.
Huda Muhammad Said abu-Shaluf, 12 Januarys, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head while at home during an incursion.
Fadi Ghassan al-Ajlouni, 8, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire.
Abed Khaled Muhammad Ismael, 11, of Artas, near Bethlehem, killed by IDF gunfire.
Abeer Muhammad Yousef Zakarna, 3, of Qabatiya, near Jenin, killed, with her brother and mother, by IDF shelling to her limbs.
Basel Muhammad Yousef Zakarna, 4, of Qabatiya, near Jenin, killed, with his sister and mother, by IDF shelling to his back.
Tamer Khaled Mahmoud abu-Siriyye, 10, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF tank fire to his chest while throwing stones.
Salem Sami Salem al-Shaer, 15, of Rafah, Gaza, died of back wounds sustained May 7, with his brother, from IDF gunfire during an incursion.
Anwar Elian Saleh abu-Said, 12, of Juhor al-Deek, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling.
Hussein Eid Hassan al-Matwi, 8, of al-Maghraqa, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his heart near his home.
Abdul-Samad Hashem Shamlakh, 10, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while in his home during an incursion.
Ahmad Yousef Abdul-Aziz al-Ghazawi, 9, of Jenin, killed by IDF tank fire.
Fares Hussam Fares al-Sadi, 13, of Jenin, killed by the IDF when his neighbor’s house was blown up.
Sjoud Ahmad Turki Fahmawi, 6, of Jenin, killed by IDF tank fire to her chest and left arm during an incursion.
Jamil Yousef Abdul-Aziz al-Ghazzawi, 12, of Jenin, died of leg and thigh wounds sustained June 21, with his brother, from IDF tank fire.
Bassam Ghassan Ragheb al-Sadi, 6, of Jenin refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.
Muhammad Shteiwi, 12, of Fara refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.
Anwar Muhammad Kamal al-Hindi, 2, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with her mother, by IDF gunfire to her head.
Shukri Fayq Abdel-Haj Daoud, 10, of Qalqilya, died of head wounds sustained June 27 from IDF gunfire during curfew.
Ahmad Said Abdul-Jawad abu-Radaha, 7, of Amari refugee camp, killed by an IDF bomb.
Muhammad Mahmoud al-Huwaiti, 3, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Subhi Mahmoud al-Huwaiti, 5, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Ayman Raed Matar, 18 Januarys, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, sister and cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Dina Raed Matar, 2 Januarys, of Gaza City, killed, with her brothers and cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Muhammad Raed Matar, 4, of Gaza City, killed, with his siblings and cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Dunia Rami Matar, 5, of Gaza City, killed, with her cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Ala Muhammad Matar, 11, of Gaza City, killed, with his cousins, in an IDF airstike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Ahmad Muhammad al-Shawa, 5, of Gaza City, killed, with his father, in an IDF airstike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.
Asma Tahseen Ahmad Ahmad, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her back while playing in her front yard.
Hamzeh Muhammad Badawi Dweikat, 13, of Balata, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and neck while in his home during curfew.
Ayman Atiya abu-Mugheiseb, 12, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Aug. 7 from IDF gunfire while in his backyard.
Ayman Bassam Nadid Fares, 6, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while in his field near the Ganei Tal settlement.
Jihad Musa Muhammad al-Athra, 6, of Yatta, Hebron, killed by an Israeli settler vehicle. Bahira Borhan Mefleh Daraghma, 7, of Tubas, killed, with her cousin, by an IDF missile strike during an assassination attempt.
Abdul-Salam Fawzi Abdul-Rahman Samreen, 11, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during curfew.
Rawan Murad Eisa Hrezian, 3 days, of Hebron, died at an IDF checkpoint.
Rami Kahlil Ibrahim al-Barbari, 12, of Nablus, killed by IDF tank fire to his head during curfew.
Mahmoud Hamza Ahmad Zaghloul, 11, of Nablus, killed by IDF shelling to his heart. Thaer Salah al-Hout, 12, of Rafah refugee camp, killed by IDF tank fire to his head during an incursion.
Shaima Kamal Yousef abu-Shamaleh, 8, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to her head while in her home during an incursion.
Nafez Khaled Mashal, 2, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen.
Muhammad Rifat abu-Naja, 9, of Rafah, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Oct. 17 from IDF gunfire.
Hamed Asad Hasan al-Masri, 2, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his chest.
Jihad Tahseen Darweesh al-Faqih, 8, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his heart during an incursion.
Fawaregh infant, newborn, of Masarah, near Bethlehem, died at an IDF checkpoint after his mother was delayed on her way to the Bethlehem hospital.
Infant, Newborn, of Tel, near Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire.
Nada Kamal Muhammad Mahdi, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her chest while at home.
Hanin Saud abu-Sita, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her pelvis. Hanin Abdul-Kader Saleh abu-Suleiman, 8, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head.
Abdul-Rahman Samer abu-Bakr, 10, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint after he was prevented from reaching medical care.
Iyad Salim Othman abu-Shaer, 12, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of neck wounds sustained Dec. 24 from IDF gunfire.
Ali Taleb Ghreiz, 8, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his head. Mustafa Ibrahim abu-Adwan, 10, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Feb. 7 from IDF shelling.
Aref Omar Afif Bisharat, 13, of Tammun, near Tubas, died of head wounds sustained Feb. 5 from IDF gunfire while throwing stones.
Husni Majdi al-Ghul, 8, of Qalqilya, killed by Israeli border police gunfire to his chest during an incursion.
Abdul-Rahman Mustafa Ali Jadallah, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral.
Ilham Ziad Hassan al-Assar, 4, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her abdomen and left foot during an incursion.
Christine George Antoine Sada, 10, of Aida refugee camp, killed by undercover IDF gunfire to her head and chest while riding in a car with her family during a targeted assassination.
Anas Jihad al-Kahlout, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head.
Amir Ahmad Muhammad Ayyad, 2, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and abdomen during an incursion.
Elian Saad Elian al-Bashiti, 18 months, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his head.
Tamer Nizar Fathi Arar, 11, of Salfit, killed by IDF sniper fire to his head during a demonstration.
Afnan Yasser Muhammad Taha, 1, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her mother, in an IDF helicopter missile strike during the targeted assassination of her father.
Amal Nimer Salem al-Jarusha, 8, of Gaza City, died of wounds sustained June 10 in an IDF helicopter missile strike while playing in her yard during a targeted assassination.
Muhammad Sharif Jawdat Kabaha, 3, of Barta al-Sharkiya, near Jenin, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while waiting in a car with his family at a checkpoint.
Aya Mahmoud Noman Fayyad, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to her chest while in her home.
Sana Jamil al-Daour, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of head and neck wounds sustained Aug. 26 from IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.
Thaer Monsur Noman al-Sayouri, 9, of Hebron, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while in his home during an incursion.
Muhammad Ayman Yousef Ibrahim, 7, of Tulkarm refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a targeted assassination.
Ibrahim Ahmad Frej al-Qreinawi, 10, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen while with his family in their yard during an incursion.
Atwa Yousef abu-Muhsen, 8, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during an incursion.
Muhammad Ziad Muhammad Baroud, 12, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.
Muhammad Ismael Elian al-Hamayda, 10, of Deir al-Balah, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen while on his way to the mosque during an incursion.
Ahmad Muhanad Nafeh Meri, 11, of Jenin refugee camp, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 8 from IDF gunfire to his head while throwing stones at soldiers demolishing a home in Jenin.
Hani Salem Rabayah, 9, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and neck.
Muayad Mazen Abdul-Rahman Hamdan, 9, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during an incursion.
Latifa, premature, of Deir Balut, near Ramallah, died, with her twin sister, at an IDF checkpoint after her mother was delayed access to medical care.
Moufida, premature, of Deir Balut, near Ramallah, died, with her twin sister, at an IDF checkpoint after her mother was delayed access to medical care.
Iman Samir Darwish al-Hams, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head, chest, limbs and abdomen on her way to school near the Tal Zarub army post. [An Israeli officer who emptied his entire magazine into her, shooting her 17 times at close range, was acquitted of all charges by an Israeli court. He said that he would have done the same even if she had been three years old. He had been charged with minor offences.]
Tariq Majdi Abdul-Muati al-Sousi, 11, of Gaza City, killed by IDF helicopter fire while being driven home from school during a targeted assassination.
Motaz Nafez Hussein al-Sharafi, 11, of Gaza City, died of neck and head wounds sustained Feb. 28 from IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.
Mahmoud Abdullah Hasan Younis, 10, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF sniper fire.
Fatma Muhammad Sharifi al-Jaled, 7, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained March 19 from IDF gunfire to her head while playing in her yard with friends.
Khaled Maher Zaki Walwil, 6, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his neck while looking out of a window in his home during an incursion.
Iman Muhammad Khalil Talbiyeh, 12, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while in her kitchen.
Muna Hamdi Shehada abu-Tabak, 10, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her abdomen and left arm while on her way home.
Asma Ali abu-Qaliq, 4, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF tear gas.
Ahmad Muhammad Ali al-Mughayer, 10, of Rafah, Gaza, killed, with his sister, by IDF sniper fire to his head while feeding birds on the roof of his home.
Mahmoud Tariq Mahmoud Monsur, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during a peaceful demonstration near the Tal Zorub military post.
Mubarak Salim Mubarak al-Hashash, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during a peaceful demonstration near the Tal Zorub military post.
Walid Naji Said abu-Qamr, 12, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during a peaceful demonstration near the Tal Zorub military post.
Iyad Muhammad Afana, 13, of Gaza City, died of head wounds sustained May 11 from IDF gunfire during an incursion.
Tamer Younis al-Arja, 3, of Rafah, Gaza, died of a heart attack from IDF shelling.
Hamed Yasin Hamed Bahlul, 16, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire near the zoo.
Islam Muhammad Mahmoud Husniya, 13, of Fawwar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while throwing stones during a demonstration against the Israeli incursion in Rafah.
Rawan Muhammad Said abu-Zid, 4, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head and neck while going to the store with her big sister to buy candy.
Hani Mahmoud Khaled Kandil, 13, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his head at close range during an incursion.
Omar Muhammad Awad abu-Zaran, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire near his home.
Ihab Abdul-Karim Ahmad Shatat, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his chest while walking to the grocery store.
Safah al-Shaer, 4, of Rafah, Gaza, died of wounds sustained July 1 from IDF gunfire. Samr Omar Hasan Fawju, 3, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained July 8 from IDF gunfire while standing near her home.
Ali Abdul-Rahim Ashraf abu-Alba, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire to his abdomen during an incursion.
Khaled Jamal Salim al-Asta, 8, of Hosh al-Jitan, near Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest while in his home.
Munir Anwar Muhammad al-Daqs, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by Israeli tank fire to his chest near his home during an incursion.
Maram Moufid Abdul-Aziz al-Nahleh, 11, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to her face while at home during an incursion.
Raghdah Adnan Abdul-Muati al-Asar, 9, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Sept. 7 from IDF sniper fire while sitting at a desk in her United Nations-administered school near the Neve Dekalim settlement.
Saber Ibrahim Iyad Asaliya, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his back while trying to escape during an incursion.
Luay Ayman Muhammad al-Najjar, 4, of Khuza, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing near his home during an incursion.
Iman Samir Darwish al-Hams, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head, chest, limbs and abdomen on her way to school near the Tal Zarub army post.
Samah Samir Omar Nasr Musleh, 10, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to her abdomen at the entrance to her home.
Ghadir Jaber Hussein Mukhemar, 9, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, died of chest wounds sustained Oct. 12 from IDF gunfire while in her classroom at a United Nations-administered school.
Hisham Hassan Husni Ashour, 10, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest at a neighborhood gathering.
Rania Iyad Ahmad Aram, 7, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her neck while preparing to leave for school from her home near the Nouria army post.
Rana Omar Abdul-Hadi Siyam, 8, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire while eating lunch in her home near the Neve Dekalim settlement.
Mahmoud Kamel Muhammad Ghaben, 12, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two brothers and three cousins, by IDF shelling while tending their family’s land.
Rajeh Ghassan Kamal Ghaben, 10, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with five cousins, by IDF shelling while tending their family’s land.
Omar Ramadan Muhammad al-Qrenawi, 6, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Jan. 13 by IDF tank fire during an incursion.
Rahma Ibrahim Musa abu-Shams, 3, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head while eating breakfast in her home near the Tal Katif settlement.
Ahmad Ismael Muhammad al-Khatib, 12, of Jenin refugee camp, died in an Israeli hospital of head and abdominal wounds sustained Nov. 3 from IDF gunfire while carrying a toy gun. Ahmed’s organs, donated by his father, saved the lives of three Israeli children and a 54-year-old Israeli woman.
Aya Muhammad Suleiman al-Astal, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire near the Kissufim crossing.
Raed Ahmad Adel al-Batash, 11, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile during a targeted assassination.
Akaber Abdul-Rahman Izzat Zayd, 9, of Yamoun, near Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while riding in her uncle’s car to get medical stitches removed during an incursion.
Bilal Iyad Muhammad abul-Einein, 5, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during the targeted assassination of his father.
Hadeel Muhammad Rabih Abdullah Ghaben, 8, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head while doing homework in her home.
Muhanad Hamdi Farouq Aman, 6, of Gaza City, killed, with his mother and aunt, by an IDF missile during a targeted assassination.
Haithem Ali Eisa Ghalya, 5 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his mother, father and four sisters, by IDF shelling from an offshore warship while having a family picnic at Waha beach.
Hanadi Ali Eisa Ghalya, 18 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with her mother, father, brother and three sisters, by IDF shelling from an offshore warship while having a family picnic at Waha beach.
Sabrin Ali Eisa Ghalya, 4, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with her mother, father, brother and three sisters, by IDF shelling from an offshore warship while having a family picnic at Waha beach.
Maher Ashraf Farouq al-Mughrabi, 8, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother and father, by an IDF missile while gathered at the site of a targeted assassination.
Samia Mahmoud Ziad al-Sharif, 5, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile while going to her local grocery store during a targeted assassination attempt.
Muhammad Jamal Shukri Ruqa, 6, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile while going to his local grocery store during a targeted assassination attempt.
Majzarah Shaban Abdul-Qader Ahmad, 12 hours, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with her mother and uncle, by an IDF missile during a targeted assassination attempt.
Anwar Ismael Abdul-Ghani Atallah, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained July 5 from IDF gunfire.
Rawan Farid Shaban Hajaj, 6, of Gaza City, killed, with her older brother, while in their home when the IDF bombed their neighborhood gas station.
Walid Mahmoud Ahmad El-Zeinati, 12, of Gaza City, died of wounds sustained July 6 in an IDF missile strike.
Huda Nabil Abdul-Latif abu-Salmeya, 13, of Gaza City, killed, with her parents, two brothers and four sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.
Iman Nabil Abdul-Latif abu-Salmeya, 12, of Gaza City, killed, with her parents, two brothers and four sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.
Yehya Nabil Abdel-Latif abu-Salmeya, 10, of Gaza City, killed, with his parents, brother and five sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.
Aya Nabil Abdel-Latif abu-Salmeya, 9, of Gaza City, killed, with her parents, two brothers and four sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.
Nasrallah Nabil Abdul-Latif abu-Salmeya, 7, of Gaza City, killed, with his parents, brother and five sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.
Nadi Habib Abdullah al-Attar, 10, of Atatra, near Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his grandmother, by IDF shelling while riding on an animal-drawn cart.
Khitam Muhammad Rebhi Tayeh, 11, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while on her way to the grocery store.
Bara Ahmad Hussein Habib, 2, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile fired from a drone to his head and abdomen during a targeted assassination.
Shahid Samir Ata Oukal, 8 months, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with her sister and mother, by IDF shelling.
Maria Samir Ata Oukal, 5, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with her sister and mother, by IDF shelling.
Anis Salem Jadua abu-Awad, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed in an IDF airstrike.
Shahed Saleh Omar al-Sheikh Eid, 3 days, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling. Raja Salam abu-Shaban, 3, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile.
Nidal Abdul Aziz al-Dahdouh, 14, of Gaza City, killed by IDF sniper fire.
Hussam Ahmad Muhammad al-Sarsawi, 12, of Gaza City, died of wounds sustained Aug. 27 from IDF tank fire.
Iman Usama Fadel al-Harazin, 2, of Gaza City, killed in an IDF airstrike while walking with her father.
Suhaib Adel Zerei Mahmoud Qudaih, 13, of Abasan al-Kabira, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while in his home.
Bara Riyad Muhammad Fayyad, 4, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Nov. 1 from IDF shelling of his home.
Saad Majdi Said al-Athamna, 8, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.
Mahmoud Amjad al-Athamna, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.
Maram Ramez Masoud al-Athamna, 2, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.
Maisa Ramez Masoud al-Athamna, 6 months, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.
Abdul-Aziz Salman Muhammad Salman, 10, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his abdomen while playing by al-Zawia mosque.
Ayman Abdul Qader abu-Mahdi, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 25 from IDF gunfire while playing near his home.
Jamil Abdul-Karim Jamil Jabji, 5, of Askar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire from a jeep to his head while throwing stones.
Abir Bassam Abed-Rabo al-Aramin, 10, of Anata, near Jerusalem, died of head wounds sustained Jan. 17 from an IDF percussion grenade while in her schoolyard during a demonstration against the annexation wall.
Saifadeen Said Khalil Jundiyah, 9, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling from a tank while sitting in front of his home during an incursion.
Ahmad Iyad Hiles, 16, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by an IDF shell during an incursion.
Ibrahim Ali abu-Nahl, 16 months, died of heart disease at the Erez checkpoint, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.
Sana Muhammad Yusuf al-Hajj, 6 months,died of kidney disease at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked a necessary pediatric dialysis unit, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment.
Amir Shahir Abdullah al-Yazji, 9, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of meningitis at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary vaccines, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. An urgent transfer request, submitted five days earlier, went unanswered.
Hala Rohi Muhammad Zanoun, 3 months, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, died of a heart defect and severe skin infections at the European Hospital in Khan Younis, which lacked necessary medical equipment, after Israel denied her entry for treatment at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.
Razan Muhammad Kamel Atallah, 6, of Rafah, Gaza, died of cerebral atrophy, after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Yusuf Iyad abu-Maryam, 5, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of cancer after Israel denied him entry to receive medical treatment. Because hospitals in Gaza lacked necessary equipment to administer chemotherapy, the Palestine Ministry of Health had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Oct. 11.
Ibrahim abu-Jazar, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Shirin Ismail Abdullah abu-Shawareb, 11, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of heart problems at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment. Doctors had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Dec. 27. On Jan. 10, believing permission for a transfer had been granted, Shirin’s father took her to the Erez checkpoint, where Israel again denied her entry.
Amir Muhammad Hashem Muhammad al-Yazji, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, along with his older brother and uncle, by an IDF missile which struck their car on al-Nafaq Street in the al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City.
Hamid Maher abu-Hamda, 90 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness that required medicine not available in the Gaza Strip after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Faten Majdi al-Hafnawi, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Tamer Muhammad Abdul-Riziq abu-Shar, 9, of Wadi al-Salqa, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while he and his family attempted to flee their home during an incursion.
Said Muhammad Said al-Aidi, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of a congenital liver defect after he was denied permission by Israel to return to Abul-Rish Hospital for Children in Cairo for medical treatment. Treatment at the hospital had begun in December 2006 and required Said to return again in six months.
Shihab Muhammad Khleif, 20 days, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of a heart defect after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Muhammad Amin abu-Watfa, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a brain hemorrhage after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Muhammad Khalil Suleiman Hamada, 13, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF missiles from a helicopter while standing near an abandoned Palestinian rocket launcher.
Muhammad Nasr Abdul-Aziz al-Boray, 7 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by shrapnel from IDF missiles to his head and chest while in his home when IDF aircraft destroyed the neighboring Ministry of Interior building. Muhammad was the only child of parents who struggled with infertility for five years before he was born.
Muhammad Naim Mahmoud Hamuda, 13, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.
Ali Munir Muhammad Dardunah, 6, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his first cousin and a distant cousin, by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.
Dardunah Deeb Khalil Dardunah, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.
Salwa Zaidan Muhammad Ghali Assaliya, 13, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her older sister, by an IDF missile while in her home.
Salsabeel Majid Muhammad abu-Jalhoum, 2, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while in the garden of her home.
Nael Zuhair Shukri abu-Oun, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while standing in the street with friends.
Amira Khaled Faraj abu-Aser, 20 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while in the home of family friends in Deir al-Balah during an incursion.
Iman Amin al-Safi, 4, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Salsabeel Ibrahim Tabasi, 9 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of acute pneumonia after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Yusuf Wasim Mushtaha, 2 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of kidney disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Muhammad Ihab Haniya, 14 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a heart defect after Israel denied him permission four times to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment for “security reasons” and threatened to destroy his medical file if additional requests were made.
Bashir Omar Hamou, 6 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Nuralhuda Khamis al-Kilani, 7 months, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Muhammad Ziad al-Ajala, 63 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an atrioventricular septal heart defect at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City after he was twice denied entry to Israel to receive medical treatment.
Bayan Samir Mahmoud al-Khalidi, 13, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while trying to help wounded people during an incursion in Juhor al-Deek, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza.
Ahmad Aref Frajallah Frajallah, 13, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF tank shell during an incursion in Juhor al-Deek, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza. The shell also killed Fadel Shana, a Palestinian journalist working for Reuters.
Ghassan Khaled Salama abu-Otaiwi, 12, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF tank shell during an incursion in Juhor al-Deek, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza. The shell also killed Fadel Shana, a Palestinian journalist working for Reuters.
Miriam Mustafa Hassan Marouf, 15, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her chest and abdomen as she fled her home, which was under IDF siege during an arrest operation that targeted her father.
Masad Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 1, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with his mother, brother and two sisters, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in his home during a targeted killing.
Hana Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 3, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her mother, sister and two brothers, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in her home during a targeted killing.
Rudeina Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 4, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her mother, sister and two brothers, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in her home during a targeted killing.
Saleh Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 5, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with his mother, brother and two sisters, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in his home during a targeted killing.
Nasim al-Biouk, 4 months, of Rafah, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Asmahan Rafiq al-Jaal, 13, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a brain tumor after Israel denied her entry to receive medical treatment.
Yusuf Muhammad Zakut, 2 days, died of an unspecified illness at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Salwa Nahed abu-Tawahin, 8 months, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of blood cancer at Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment. The permit request was submitted twenty days prior to her death.
Majid Ziad Muhammad Okal, 11, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while playing near a Palestinian rocket launching site.
Ward Hashim Sabiha, 10 days, died of kidney disease at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary medicine, after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.
Sujud Khalil al-Farra, 1 week, died, with her sister, of an unspecified illness at al-Naser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, which lacked the necessary drug “Alservictant,” due to Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. A third triplet sister died two days later.
Faiza Khalil al-Farra, 1 week, died, with her sister, of an unspecified illness at al-Naser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, which lacked the necessary drug “Alservictant,” due to Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. A third triplet sister died two days later.

Was ist denn Demokratie?

Das ist mir selbst eigentlich nie recht klar gewesen. - Wie auch bei anderen Regierungsformen, hat es hier wohl damit zu tun, dass sich junge Leute gegenseitig umbringen.

Warum bringen sich nicht alte Männer gegenseitig um?

Die alten Männer wachen darüber, dass das Feuer im Haus nicht erlischt.

Können die jungen nicht genauso darauf aufpassen?

Junge Männer haben kein eigenes Heim! Darum müssen sie hinausgehen und einander töten.

Let's just suppose...

Let's just suppose that it was a Palestinian state holding 1.5 million Israeli Jews under siege to the point that their health sector was on the verge of collapsing, the economy was in tatters and almost 50% of adults were unemployed.

Let's just suppose that Palestinians were occupying Israel and subjecting Israeli Jews to racist pass laws, roadblocks and house demolitions.

Let's just suppose that it was Palestinians who bombed and invaded occupied Israeli territory, killing 1,400 people, one-third of them children, using illegal munitions to do so.

Let's just suppose that hundreds of thousands of Palestinian settlers were taking Israeli Jews' land, and building monstrous settlements on it, in defiance of international laws and conventions.

Let's just suppose that it was Palestinians building Palestinian-only roads across Israeli land.
Let's just suppose that it was a Jewish student shot and wounded by Palestinian security forces and allowed to bleed to death because an ambulance was prevented from getting to him.

Let's just suppose that it was a ship full of sympathisers - and let's call it Exodus 1947, shall we - taking humanitarian aid to Israelis under siege by Palestinians, which was hijacked in international waters by Palestinian commandos and had its passengers deported back to Europe.

Let's just suppose that it was Palestinian air force jets and navy gunboats which attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, in international waters, killing 34 crew members and wounding 170.

Let's just suppose that the Palestinian Authority was holding 8,000 Israelis in its prisons, many without trial, while Israel held one Palestinian soldier captured while on active duty against Israelis.

Let's just suppose that Palestinians had built a wall to control the lives of millions of Israelis, stopping them from having access to schools, hospitals, farms, jobs and water sources.
Let's just suppose that Palestinian gunboats fired daily on Israeli fishermen going about their lawful work well inside their own territorial waters.

Let's just suppose that it was democratically-elected Israeli Jewish MPs who were threatened with deportation from their home city by Palestinian occupation authorities.

Let's just suppose that the Palestinians refused to accept the democratic will of the Israelis and started to arrest and assassinate Israeli politicians.

Let's just suppose that it was a state of Palestine in which racial discrimination against Israeli Jews was not only lawful but encouraged; where "no Jews allowed" signs appeared on housing advertisements.

Let's just suppose that it was Israeli rabbis and community leaders who were libelled and labelled "hate preachers" by pro-Palestinian activists intent on having them locked-up and deported.

Let's just suppose so many things.
What do you suppose the rest of the world would do?

Sykes-Picot Agreement

May 9, 1916

secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French- and British-administered areas. The agreement took its name from its negotiators, Sir Mark Sykes of Britain and François Georges-Picot of France.

Its provisions were as follows: (1) Russia should acquire the Armenian provinces of Erzurum, Trebizond (Trabzon), Van, and Bitlis, with some Kurdish territory to the southeast; (2) France should acquire Lebanon and the Syrian littoral, Adana, Cilicia, and the hinterland adjacent to Russia’s share, that hinterland including Aintab, Urfa, Mardin, Diyarbakır, and Mosul; (3) Great Britain should acquire southern Mesopotamia, including Baghdad, and also the Mediterranean ports of Haifa and ʿAkko (Acre); (4) between the French and the British acquisitions there should be a confederation of Arab states or a single independent Arab state, divided into French and British spheres of influence; (5) Alexandretta (Iskenderun) should be a free port; and (6) Palestine, because of the holy places, should be under an international regime.

This secret arrangement conflicted in the first place with pledges already given by the British to the Hāshimite dynast Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, sharif of Mecca, who was about to bring the Arabs of the Hejaz into revolt against the Turks on the understanding that the Arabs would eventually receive a much more important share of the fruits of victory. It also excited the ambitions of Italy, to whom it was communicated in August 1916, after the Italian declaration of war against Germany, with the result that it had to be supplemented, in April 1917, by theAgreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, whereby Great Britain and France promised southern and southwestern Anatolia to Italy. The defection of Russia from the war canceled the Russian aspect of the Sykes-Picot Agreement; and the Turkish Nationalists’ victories after the military collapse of the Ottoman Empire led to the gradual abandonment of its projects for Anatolia. The Arabs, however, who had learned of the Sykes-Picot Agreement through the publication of it, together with other secret treaties of imperial Russia, by the Soviet Russian government late in 1917, were scandalized by it; and their resentment persisted despite the modification of its arrangements for the Arab countries by the Allies’ Conference of San Remo in April 1920.
